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Dog Grooming

Long Coated Dogs

Long Coated Dogs include Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese and Bearded Collies.

All tangles should be removed using a Matt Master, taking particular care with those close to the ears, around the base of the tail, and on the dog's stomach.

A Hard Pin Slicker brush should then be used to remove dead hair.

The dog can then be bathed, preferably using an odour neutralizing shampoo, as this coat type picks up odours easily.

A microfibre towel is ideal for drying the dog's coat, before blow drying if the dog is cooperative.

The entire coat should be Combed through, ideally with a Dual comb which has fine and coarse pins, which will be required for different parts of the dog's body.

A deodourising spray will set your dog's hair neatly, and keep them smelling fresh.

Smooth Coated Dogs

Smooth coated dogs encompass breeds such as the French Bulldog, the Greyhound and the Beagle.

The Furminator deShedding tool should be used to remove any dead hairs from this coat type, and can be used daily for extreme shedders.

While bathing these breeds, use a shampoo designed to remove loose hairs, and a Kong Zoom Groom to assist in the removal.

The dog should then be dried using a Microfibre towel, which is super absorbant and much faster than normal towel drying.

A Ball Pin Brush is then advised, to help distribute the natural oils throughout the dog's coat, allowing for the shiny, sleek appearance that comes naturally to these breeds.

A Deodourising Spray should then be used to keep your pet smelling fresher for longer, and to condition the coat.

Slicker brushes can also prove useful for some smooth coated dogs.

Wire Coated Dogs

Wire coated dog breeds such as Westies, Schnauzers and Jack Russell Terriers do not tend to shed a huge amount of hair, but have a thick coat that can quickly grow wild, collect dirt and become matted.

A Dual Comb for Coarse Coats should be used to remove loose hairs.

If any of the coat is matted, a Matt Master should be used to remove tangles before bathing.

When washing wire coated dogs, use a deshedding shampoo and a Zoom Groom while you wash.

The dog should then be dried with a Microfibre towel, before blow drying and styling if the dog is cooperative.

A Ball Pin Brush should be used to distribute the natural oils back throughout the coat.

A Deodourising Spray can be used to keep your pet smelling clean and fresh, after their grooming session.

Double Coated Dogs

Double coated breeds tend to shed lots of hair and include some family favourites, such as the Golden Retriever, the German Shepherd and the Shih Tzu.

Firstly, any tangles should be removed from the dog's coat using a Matt Master. Particular attention should be paid to the coat behind the ears as this is a common place for matting.

Dead undercoat can then be removed using a Furminator.

A deshedding shampoo is an excellent investment for these breeds, removing excess hair while you wash the dog.

A microfibre towel should then be used to dry the dog. The coat can be blow dried to speed up drying if necessary.

A Ball Pin Brush should be used to distribute natural oils back throughout the coat.

A Deodourising Spray should be used on the dog, to keep it smelling fresh. Spray should be applied to the undercoat for longer lasting effect.

Curly Coated Dogs

Curly coated breeds include the Bichon Frise, Poodles and the Curly Coated Retriever. Many dogs with this coat type are water lovers and will need regular grooming to maintain the coat.

Matt Masters are ideal for painless removal of tangles from the dog's coat.

A Hard Pin Slicker Brush should then be used to remove any dead hair from the dog.

A Shampoo designed to soften the dog's coat will make brushing out and further maintenance much easier for the owner.

A microfibre absorbent towel should be used to dry the dog, followed by a blow dry to fluff the coat up.

The entire coat should be brushed through with a Dual Comb to ensure it is separated and less likely to tangle.

A Detangling Spray should be applied throughout the dog's coat to keep your dog tangle free.