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- Brand: VetIQ
- Sku: MC001506
Vet IQ | Cat Hairball Remedy | Defurr-Um - 70g
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About VetIQ Defurr-Um Cat Hairball Removal & Prevention Remedy - 70g
A tasty chicken flavoured hairball remedy for cats and kittens from 6 months of age, VetIQ Hairball Paste is an ideal regular supplement for pets prone to hairballs.
As a source of fibre and vitamin E, the supplement contributes to a strong digestive system which encourages natural elimination of ingested hair.
Hairballs form in the stomach of cats from hair they have swallowed while grooming, forming distinctive cylindrical masses of hair which cats are unable to excrete, so will try to cough up. Signs that your pet may be struggling due to a hairball include constipation, hard stools with signs of hair, coughing or heaving (particularly after eating) and lack of interest in meals.
Longhaired cats are particularly prone to struggles with hairballs, however any cat may be prone. Further problems can be avoided with a regular brushing schedule and the addition of a hairball paste to help the cat pass the hair through the gut. Slicker brushes and combs tend to be the most effective grooming tools, depending on your cat's coat type.
As VetIQ Hairball Paste is so irresistible to cats, we recommend using some on a Lickimat Soother Treat Mat, which your cat can enjoy during a grooming session for complete hairball protection.
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Vet IQ | Cat Hairball Remedy | Defurr-Um - 70g
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